Thursday 22 March 2012

What an amazing weekend with RVP Mr. Al Asensio! 

After an absence from the Alberta market of several years, Regional Vice President and President's Club Member Mr Al Asensio gave Edmonton everything he had this weekend. Starting with a no frills, straight talk ETT and above leadership training Friday night we experienced one of the most influential trainings ever. On Saturday, Mr Asensio was joined by Regina Team Coordinator Mr.Shaun Bradford and Calgary Team Coordinator Mr. Jeremy Crawford who collectively delivered a fantastic event!  Thank you Shaun and Jeremy for sharing your invaluable wisdom and experience for all to benefit from.

THEN, in the spirit of giving us EVERYTHING he had, Mr Asensio offered to host an additional special post-event Leadership Training. The teams worked together quickly and thanks to Barry Stump who offered up the use his new office space and Leo Berube who brought in extra chairs, about 70 people from multiple teams got to experience a heartfelt, one of a kind advanced leadership training that had everyone so excited and motivated, it is sure to be remembered as one of the most memorable trainings ever experienced.

Mr. Al Asensio as been in ACN for close to 15 years and has a close personal relationship with the co-founders and many of the top leaders of this company. Having Mr Asensio here was the closest thing to having one of the co-founders here and his ability to deliver messages through the effective use of stories demonstrated the power of story telling versus fact telling, an important message everyone took away. Mr Asensio not only gave us amazing training, he also provided a unique and priceless insight to how special this company truly is.

Mr Asensio, Edmonton thanks you for giving us EVERYTHING YOU HAD. You are an inspiration to all of us and the epitome of what we aspire to achieve on our ACN journey. We certainly cannot wait to have you back.

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